When I consider the consequences of decisions I am afraid to say I do but when I consider the consequences of indecisions I do what I have to do, now.
Have you realized that everything in life is at a standstill or uniform state unless some force acts on it? Newton’s first law of motion supports this universal principle. Nothing moves until you move. If you are lying down you will remain where you lie for the rest of your life unless you get up or something else makes you get up. If you are driving a car you will continue to drive that car the rest of your life unless you apply your brakes or something else compels you to stop. If you are eating you will keep eating forever unless you choose to stop eating or something else forces you to stop.
The same is true for failure and success in life. If you are failing you will keep failing unless something happens to stop that failure circle. If you are sick you will remain sick unless something happens to stop that sickness. If you are unemployed you will remain unemployed unless something happens to stop that unemployment. The question is what is that something that will change your current situation? The answer is YOUR CHOICES OR LIFE's CHANCES.
Seriously, would you rather wait for some chance to compel you or would you make the choice to do what you have to do to move forward? If we leave our change of situation to chance, we may not like the outcome; but if we make informed choices we live in freedom. Yes, we may not have hundred percent controls over the outcomes but doing nothing leaves the hundred percent to chance of failure.
Are you sick, failing, unemployed, tired, depressed, unhappy, rejected, broke, in debt? Do not wait for chance occurrences. Nothing will change unless you change. The good news is you can. But how do you know what to do and have the courage to do it in order to experience the change you desire? The following are a few of the lessons I have learned from the bible and life:
1. Become dissatisfied with the status quo. As long as you like it the way it is, it will stay the way it is. The energy you need to change the way it is comes from an intense dislike for the way it is.
2. Look over there from here. You are likely to remain the way you are right now unless you see the difference between the way you are and the way you could be. It is the awareness of the gap between the way things are and the way things could be that fuels the passion to arise and do something about the situation. Can you mentally picture your destination from your current location?
3. Don’t go solo. It is not good for a person to be alone because when he falls he has no one to life him up. Two are better than one for the have a reward for their labour. Three is even better; a threefold cord in not easily broken. Make friends with people who can help you but don’t leave God out of the fold. Sometimes the most important word of encouragement you need to move past that obstacle will come from a friend.
4. Reward yourself after little successes. It’s easy to think you have made no progress unless you look back to see where you are coming from. You may not have arrived but you are not where you used to be. Even if you are flying you can only be at one location per time.
5. Never compare yourself to others. Comparing ourselves to others kill our enthusiasm. But why get involved in such irrational calculus? We were not all born the same day and we would not all die the same day. We were not all given the same assignment and we would not all give the same account. If your destination is Sidney Autralia, you won’t board a plane going Paris just because the aircraft looks great and some friends you made at the airport are boarding that plane. Everyone is on a separate mission in life and our success is measured by the completion of our specific assignment.
6. Don’t forget; a bend is not an end. The road to success is uphill and meandering. Don’t return downhill when you see the bends and the rises. Stay on course, your destination may just be around the corner. It’s okay to have momentary setbacks but if you give up you won’t go up. Keep moving, you will get there!
Man does not drift into goodness...the chance port of an aimless voyage. He must ever fight for his own destination.... William Jordan
Lazy people don’t even cook the game they catch, but the diligent make use of everything they find. ...Proverbs 12:27
@ Solidrock
We keep moving. We dont stop!