Have you heard the story of the Triple A Barbers? It is the story of a group of barbers who decided to 'transform a lunatic with a smart hair cut' as a way to promote their business. These barbers went to the slum in the region and picked an unkempt substance addict, took several photos of him, gave him a nice haircut, and dressed him up in an expensive suit and a pair of fine shoes. Then they took a second round of photos showing his new looks. When they finished, they made large posters showing the gentleman's looks before and after the haircut and inscribed on it “TRANSFORMATION -see what the Triple A Barbers can do for you”. Then they placed these posters at strategic locations within the city.
One day, a wealthy businessman saw the poster and was interested. He went to the barbers' shop and inquired about the gentleman. One of the barbers and the businessman took the beautiful photograph and went to the slum where they met the ghetto guy the first time but could not find him. No one in the apartment building could identify the handsome gentleman in the photograph. Then the barber went back to the shop, picked the old photo and came back to the folks. “This is the guy I am talking about”, he said. Immediately, the ghetto guy's neighbours recognized him. Then they led the Barber and the businessman to a corner where they found the ghetto guy. He had returned to his habitual corner and resumed his old way of life.
True and Lasting Change Must Begin from Within
Just like the Triple A Barbers, many of us have attempted to change ourselves and our circumstances from the outside in. As most of us have found out again and again, true change can never happen from the outside in. True and lasting change come only from inside out. It is impossible for you or me to change our lives by changing our job, car, house, wardrobe, spouse, pet, toys, sex, looks, location or any external body attachment for that matter.
Ask those who have spent huge sum of money to change their physical surroundings in attempt to change their lives and they would tell you that such attempts are like the chasing of the winds that never yield positive results. Any change that does not come from within a person is fake and temporary.