Thursday, November 13, 2014


Agreed, nothing great happens without FAITH. BUT what kind of faith?

We can climb to some heights by having faith in:

Motivational speakers have told us that we could become whatever we want if we have enough faith in ourselves. Sure enough, many people have climbed temporary heights with resilience and faith in themselves but no man has ever climbed a GREAT HEIGHT and remained there by having faith in himself.

2. QUALIFICATIONS. Knowledge, skills, abilities, degrees, certifications, experience and skills have taken many people to many positions. But history shows that the farthest heights ever attained by man were not attained by the most qualified people.

We have seen many rise by powerful people. If you are popular, connected and skillful in politics you can rise by riding on the shoulders of people. But you can also be brought down by the same people. People who rise by the people fall by the people.

The only kind of faith that leads to GREATNESS is FAITH in GOD.

Self confidence, qualification, people, government, money, family, career, beauty and social groups are all good but cannot guarantee greatness.

You can motivate yourself to work harder and more intelligently throughout the day but when you retire at night to sleep, faith in yourself CANNOT wake you up from sleep the next morning. You need faith in a higher power to wake up each morning. That's faith in God who gives you breath.

You may acquire top qualifications and yet be subject to those who have no qualifications at all. God has used many unlikely people without qualification to transform the world. Have faith in God

You can rise if you know people. Truth is, if it took a thousand men to take you up, it will only take one man to bring you down. But if God takes you up, a billion men cannot bring you down.

Do your best to build confidence, acquire qualification and know people but walk in the footsteps of the Great Abraham. Hebrews 11:8-12

