Only a fool will continue to go the wrong way because he does not want people to think or say that he missed his way.
Question: How do you know you are on the wrong way? If everything you do seems right to you and you never seem to need correction, you are definitely on the wrong way. I know that because “There is a way that seems right to each of us but it leads to death” (Prv.1625). How then do we know right from wrong? BY TAKING OUR BEARING FROM THE NORTH.
Every true direction takes it bearing from the north. The North is the is WORD of God because everything was made and are upheld by the WORD. (John 1:1, Heb 1:3, Col 1:17). If Eve had kept her bearing from what God said to them, she would not have missed her way in the Garden. Unfortunately the path she took led to death. Of course Eve did not set out to take the path leading to death, she simply chose the path that seemed right to her. Unfortunately that "good path" led to death. (See Gen. 3, Deut 2:3)
So, even if the way you are traveling on seems right to you – and we all do what we do because those things seem right to us –still, you need to check with the word and be sure that your bearing is from God’s WORD. You can never miss your way if you take your bearing from God’s word and you can never be right going against God’s word, So, no matter how right it seems if it’s against the word of God don’t rationalize it and don’t do it. Just as the GPS or compass needle rests in the north direction, so our SPIRIT rests on the WORD direction. The word is TRUTH. Get the WORD of God into your heart. Before and in the course of whatever you are doing, constantly look into the word of God in your heart with a mind that is open for correction and redirection.
Every true direction takes it bearing from the north. The North is the is WORD of God because everything was made and are upheld by the WORD. (John 1:1, Heb 1:3, Col 1:17). If Eve had kept her bearing from what God said to them, she would not have missed her way in the Garden. Unfortunately the path she took led to death. Of course Eve did not set out to take the path leading to death, she simply chose the path that seemed right to her. Unfortunately that "good path" led to death. (See Gen. 3, Deut 2:3)
So, even if the way you are traveling on seems right to you – and we all do what we do because those things seem right to us –still, you need to check with the word and be sure that your bearing is from God’s WORD. You can never miss your way if you take your bearing from God’s word and you can never be right going against God’s word, So, no matter how right it seems if it’s against the word of God don’t rationalize it and don’t do it. Just as the GPS or compass needle rests in the north direction, so our SPIRIT rests on the WORD direction. The word is TRUTH. Get the WORD of God into your heart. Before and in the course of whatever you are doing, constantly look into the word of God in your heart with a mind that is open for correction and redirection.
Friend, do you know where your path (relationship, career, finance, health, etc) is leading? Do you feel you need to stop to enquire from God (TRUE NORTH) or are you just going to keep travelling this path just because it seems good to you or because you are afraid of what others might think or say? Don’t forget that just because it looks right does not mean it will end right. No matter how much time and resources we have invested in doing what is wrong, we will benefit more by turning right and doing what is right.
It is never too late to TURN RIGHT. If you find yourself on the wrong track of life, STOP and ASK for direction and then turn RIGHT. The right is always north and the north is always right. It matters little if everybody think you are on the right track when you know you are not. No deception is greater than self deception. Why would you get lost and die just to prove nothing to nobody?
Remember, "It is foolish to be shameful of what is gainful" I pray that you will not miss your way in this life journey