Tuesday, February 17, 2015


TheBETTERLife Post
Week of February 15-21, 2015


There is more to life than eyes can see, more than ears can hear and more than mind can comprehend. To live strictly in the realm of our 5 physical senses is to live in absolute confinement and forfeit our ultimate fulfilment.

Our greatest quest in life should not be to merely attain to what is or what has been but rather to see the invisible, hear the unspeakable, know unfathomable and bring to light the unimaginable for therein lies our ultimate fulfilment.

And the good news is: ANYONE CAN

Anyone can master the invisible and do the impossible and it begins by seeing, hearing and relating the One who rules the invisible realm: "The HOLY SPIRIT". When we let him, The Holy Spirit will live in us and guide us through the rough waters of life until we get to the very depths of ultimate realities and rise up to the height of ultimate possibilities.

The Holy Spirit is not a cosmic force but a real Being in the class of God who is representing God on earth today. He came into the world to take over the work of redemption from Jesus Christ. He does his work in and through everyone who believes in two ways that are mutually exclusive:
1. He empowers us, on the one hand, with his GIFTS that make us powerful and fearful - such gifts as discernment, wisdom and uncommon knowledge.
2. He tempers us on the other hand, with his FRUIT [Character] that makes us gracious and loving. Such as as kindness, love and meekness.

Without the Holy Spirit we are at risk of either being victimized by the dark forces of this world or being manipulated by them to initiate and perpetuate evil in the world.

May I ask you very personally - How do you live?

- Are you living in restriction to the 5 senses or have  you received the Holy Spirit who is all knowing?

- Do you live from day to day attempting to figure out your way through life's maze solely on the basis of prevailing circumstances and popular opinion or are you actively walking with the One who commands the unseen world and overpowers the forces of darkness with Light?

- What is the strength of your inner man? How much does it take to freak and break you up into pieces? What impact would you make in this world?

Only the Holy Spirit can help you answer these vital questions. He is willing and ready to help everyone who is willing and ready. If you are that category, the Spirit can visit you as soon as today to start putting things right. All you have to do is receive Jesus into your life and the Spirit will be right inside of you.

Once in you, and by your commitment to horsing in your walk with him, He releases his power to work in you and through you to your world. With this power, you can see beyond eyes can look, hear beyond ears can listen, understand beyond mind can reason and accomplish more than man can ask or imagine.

I'm asking you today to choose to live beyond your 5 senses and let the Holy Spirit help you in your journey to a life of fulfilment.

You can learn more about the empowerment of the Holy Spirit by worshiping with us at Freshwater Christian House in Kitchener- Waterloo.
Time is 10:00am Sundays.

Be blessed abundantly this week and beyond.

#PeterOkaka, #TheBETTERLife #FreshwaterChristianHouse, #churchfamily, #dominion,