Friday, November 28, 2014


[the case of the good life and the better life]

DEATH DONUTS are the delicious and desirable sweet things we eat, see, hear, think and do regardless of our conscience alarm that these are not good for us. Death donuts may be pleasant to see and sweet to taste at first but in the end they will cause chaos, confusion, disaster and death.

Death donuts have been sold and served by the Serpent Restaurant since the days of Adam and Eve and is still here today. With one hand the Waiters serve death donuts and with the other hand they flag a sign: "did your father say you should not eat death donuts? Don't mind your mom, death donuts won’t kill you right away"
While the foolish son takes, eats and pays the high price, the wise son walks away free remembering what The Father said:

 "My son, obey your father’s commands, and don’t neglect your mother’s instruction. Keep their words always in your heart. Tie them around your neck. When you walk, their counsel will lead you. When you sleep, they will protect you. When you wake up, they will advise you.

 For their command is a lampand their instruction a light; their corrective discipline is the way to life. It will keep you from the immoral woman, from the smooth tongue of a promiscuous woman.

 Don’t lust for her beauty. Don’t let her coy glances seduce you. For a prostitute will bring you to poverty, but sleeping with another man’s wife will cost you your life.

 Can a man scoop a flame into his lapand not have his clothes catch on fire? Can he walk on hot coals and not blister his feet? So it is with the man who sleeps with another man’s wife. He who embraces her will not go unpunished”. (Proverbs 6:20-29) nlt

Think and Talk about It:
1. Can anyone live on a meal of sugars and not suffer health problems?
2. In ways are we commonly tempted to eat, see, think and do things that we know are bad for us?
3. How can we arm ourselves to make good choices on the day of temptation?

Freshwater Christian House - KW -ON
#Sacrificeandstrategies, November 2014
#theBETTERlife © 2014 -

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


TheBETTERLife Post
November 26, 2014

[the case of the good life and the better life]

Who is looking after your valuables?

THIEF GUARDS do not come as thieves but as good-nature guards who would look after your valuables and guarantee your safety. They convince you with their credentials of competence and oil of eloquence to leave your goods in their care but they are actually after your valuables.

Judas Iscariot was a competent and caring companion of Christ the Messiah - competent enough to be appointed a disciple and caring enough to be put in charge of the welfare treasury. But Judas knew more than a thing or two about money and people. While entrusted with the responsibility of looking after the treasury, Judas was pulling strings of politics and power. He was negotiating and sealing deals at the back door. His mission was not just to rob his master but to kill him. He did it with a kiss on his master's face.

No matter your argument there are still Judas Iscariots with us today. We need to be wise and strategic. Good news is if they repent Christ's arms are wide open to receive them but if they don't repent the field of Akeldama is waiting for them.

Who is your trusted guard? Who is looking after your valuables? Who promised to protect your precious? Who has the key to your heart, your house and your hot tub? - where your money, children, privacy and future lies? Sometimes the Guard is the thief you need to watch. We cannot eradicate thief guards but we can protect ourselves and mitigate their effects with the word of God and divine strategies..

Think and Talk about It:
1. What are the common signs that a buddy or cherished companion could be a thief?
2. What should be our first response when we discover that our trusted keepers are the killers?
3. How might we protect our valuables and future of those coming after us?


#FreshwaterChristianHouse - KW -ON

#Sacrificeandstrategies, November 2014

#theBETTERlife © 2014 -

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


TheBETTERLife Post
November 25, 2014

[the case of the good life and the better life]

Who among your ‘good friends is the EVIL ONE?

EVIL FRIENDS do not come as enemies but as good friends. They come with open arms to hug but tied underneath their arms are deadly explosives. They smile when we face them and stab when we back them. They say the nicest words that twinkle our ears but in their words are lies and emptiness that leave their victims helpless, hopeless and busted in the end. Evil friends were there yesterday, they are here today and they will be there tomorrow. They can be anywhere at home, school, work, church or community.

The advice of Jonadab, the evil friend of Amnon which led to the rape of innocent Tamar and the death of Amnon and eventual collapse of David’s family is a case in point that history will never forget (Read full account 2 Samuel 13). As it is in all cases with evil friends, their “love” quickly turns to hate once they have accomplished their objectives; they usually survive and live on after their victim’s tragedy. Does this sound familiar or does it amaze you?

Truth is, once-upon-a-time evil friends can change their ways after encountering God and become authentic friends with proofs. When this happens, we are to forgive them, accept them and love them as if they never erred. But if they would not change, we must identify, quarantine and treat them as evil friends with explosives under their arms. We must sacrifice their friendship on the altar of our destinies before they murder our future. Is there a ‘good friend’ that you need to disconnect with in order that you might connect with better friends?

Each of us has an evil friend. The one who cares nothing about our good and progress; and yet the ones to whom we run to hug and report our progress.

Think about it and share your thoughts:
1. What are the traits of evil friends?
2. How might we identify evil friends among our authentic friends?
3. What practical steps can we take to safely salvage the situation of an evil friendship?


#FreshwaterChristianHouse - KW -ON

#Sacrificeandstrategies, November 2014

#theBETTERlife © 2014 -